Why Us?
Discover a Culture
Learn the language, cooking techniques, dancing, and more genuine ways of life.
Explore Your Heritage
Join our program to discover how your ancestors lived, worked, and played.
Make Lifelong Friends
Journey with a group of young people and find friends you will have for life.
Experience Life Abroad
Travel with us to see and appreciate all the beauty the world has to offer.
Our Passion Led Us Here!
The Irish Way was founded on the belief that cultural exploration can play an important role in helping to develop a young adult’s identity. Since 1976, our executives, managers, teachers, and counselors have successfully led countless groups of students abroad.
Our experienced team is dedicated to helping students learn about different cultures and traditions, as well as maintaining the highest level of education, safety, and fun. The superior experience and safety that the Irish Way provides is only matched by the selection of educational classes, workshops, and fun-filled Irish tours provided to each student.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Taryn Harrison

Trust Us to
Dream, Discover, and Travel
To provide students with the opportunity of living and learning in a different cultural environment.
To provide each student with a broad understanding of the cultural, economic, political, and social life in a contemporary country.
To provide an international travel experience which inspires students to explore other areas of the world.
By the end of the Irish Way, each participant will have:
- Experienced campus living with their peers from all over North America.
- Developed an understanding of the evolution of Irish social and political history from early AD to the present day, as well as how developments in Ireland have affected and influenced the rest of the world.
- Read and reflected on the works of several authors from both contemporary and past Irish and Anglo-Irish literature.
- Learned and been able to participate in the joys of Irish folk dancing.
- Been introduced to the basics of the Irish language.
- Working knowledge of Irish drama, music, and song.
- Engaged in and have a general understanding of Irish sports; such as Gaelic football, hurling, and rugby.